Game Release Notes:

  1. We made a working but incomplete version of Toontown Fantasy using Open-Toontown!
  2. Using ToonJoey's Project: Bikehorn, we upgraded the game's textures!
  3. We made our own (temporary) logo for use on the website and in-game!
  4. Thanks to the combined efforts of DarthM and I, we have a basic but working version of Rich Presence to use with Discord while playing Toontown Fantasy!
  5. Built into the Shtiker Book are Custom Controls for the game and a Bug Report Button which, for now, just opens a new tab in your default Browser to create a new Issue on GitHub!
  6. Thanks to the help from LeoTheGreat2003 on Discord, Flippy now spawns in the right place!
  7. Thanks to Nayla, it is so much easier to launch the game through just a singular Batch file!
  8. Thanks to Michael for implementing a 360-degree camera and the Toontown Galaxy Team for allowing me to use it!
  9. Thanks to Nayla, we have a compiler that can be used to compile the game when we're ready to launch in the future!
  10. Thanks to DarthM's help, we have a semi-functional chatlog with individual tabs to separate the chat items!
  11. Thanks to help from DarthM, we have a working Orbital Camera and a fully functional (but not polished) Overhead Laff Meter!
  12. Also thanks to DarthM, a better-working, yet still experimental Smooth Animation Setting can be enabled!
  13. Wide Screen support, while still a work-in-progress, is still mostly functional thanks to help from DarthM and a few other friends!
  14. Thanks to Professor Control with a little help from Gracie Lovelight, the Cogs now have a lot more attacks, and some attacks have even been overhauled for a cleaner, more efficient and functional System!
  15. Thanks to Nayla, the GUI buttons around Toontown have a different texture that was taken from the official Toontown Online Website.
  16. All log files and screenshots will now go into their respective folders within the "user/" folder.

Graphical Engine Release Notes:

  1. Thanks to DarthM, we now have LibToontown, LibOTP, and others added to the base of the Panda3D Graphical Engine Source Code!
  2. The engine now uses Python 3.11.7
  3. More patch notes to be added soon...

Database Release Notes:

  1. Coming Soon...

Website Release Notes:

  1. Added section IDs to the homepage
  2. Added an icon to the Press page
  3. Began enforcing "https://" and "www." through htaccess for consistency
  4. Began removing the trailing "/" through htaccess for consistency
  5. Updated the links class to be site specific like the rest of the websites
  6. Updated the title of the FAQ pages
  7. Fixed some issues with code being improperly formatted.
  8. Moved code from outside the Head tag into the head tag & code from outside HTML tag into the HTML tag
  9. Prevented the Thank You page from being able to be crawled
  10. Replaced all "&" with the HTML version of the code
  11. Updated all on-site pages and files to be lower case
  12. Links on the website with a trailing slash have had their trailing slash removed
  13. Links directing to an off-site website will now open in a new tab like on the Arbitrium Studios website.
  14. Renamed the update from "v1.6.x - The Small Updates Update" to "v1.7.x - The Small Improvements Update"
  15. Fixed incorrect URLs
  16. Hid the Meet the Staff section because of how clunky and out-of-date it is.
  17. Hid links to pages that don't exist on the Toon HQ page
  18. Removed more unnecessary files and code from the website
  1. Websites with a domain that has been moved or is invalid will now point to the current URL
  2. The ScrollToTop code has been replaced with the one from the main Arbitrium Studios site.
  3. The URL for the general TPZ profile picture has been updated
  4. Other various assets have been updated
  1. Overhauled how the announcements slider works
  2. Merged the Help & Toon HQ pages together
  3. Hovering over the announcements bar will now pause the movement!
  4. Updated the site icon
  5. Updated the site logo
  6. Seperated the Home link from the site logo
  7. Removed the Socials menu entirely
  8. Removed all references to accounts
  9. Removed the dropdown menus in favor of returning to the Toontown Online-style of web-pages
  1. All broken links have been fixed.
  2. Removed unused code.
  1. Added a new section to the Announcements Slider.
  2. Added a mailto url with a subject line for those who want to ask questions regarding Toontown Fantasy but don't have Discord.
  3. The buttons on the Play page are now stacked on top of each other.
  4. Clicking on either of the buttons on the Play page will now direct you to the paragraph underneath the buttons.
  5. Adjusted the sizing of the buttons on the Play page! They should be in the correct position now. If it still isn't fixed, it will be fixed in a future update!
  6. Replaced the Contact Page's forum with an apology stating that the contact forum doesn't work.
  7. Updated the staff profile image for Gracie Lovelight
  8. Updated the staff activity for Pizza Taco Burger
  9. Removed unnecessary and unused pieces of text.
  1. Added padding to the left & right side of all the text items.
  2. Fixed some more font inconsistencies.
  3. Fixed the smaller Toontown Fantasy logo on the mobile play page.
  4. Unhid some unused code on the Help page.
  5. Fixed some grammatical issues.
  6. Shrunk the font-size of the Help Items on the Help page.
  7. Shrunk the distance between the items on the help page.
  8. Patched up the formatting on the Press page.
  9. Removed the "What's the Toontown Fantasy story?" section from the Gameplay page.
  10. Disabled brand icons on smaller screens with a pixal width count less than 800px
  11. Removed the "What is Toontown Fantasy About?" section from the Press page.
  1. All broken links have been fixed.
  2. The story on the about_toontown page has been fixed!
  3. Font and padding inconsistencies have been fixed
  4. The button formats on the Play page have been formatted for mobile
  5. Underlined links have been re-enabled
  6. The spacing on the homepage has been fixed
  7. Added a fade in animation to the play button on mobile
  1. I updated ALL of the body text on the homepage.
  2. I added barriers between the sections of text.
  3. I added the link to the Official Twitter account for Arbitrium Studios.
  4. I centered the text in the navigation bar.
  5. I unhid the underline under links in the homepage to make them more obvious.
  6. I updated the entirety of the homepage.
  7. I updated the disclaimer text in the footer
  8. I re-adjusted the space between the left and right side of the page to not feel as cramped.
  9. I fixed the inconsistencies with the background color of the social icons in the footer.
  10. I grew the font size of the footer links.
  11. I shrunk the size of the footer icons
  12. I rearranged and renamed items in the navigation bar.
  13. I merged the "The_Fantasy_Team" page's content with the homepage.
  14. I redirected the "The_Fantasy_Team" page to the Contact page in preperation for the next update.
  15. I updated my staff image.
  16. I updated my name to "Gracie" from "Grace"
  17. I removed the "The_Fantasy_Team" page.
  18. I removed all showcase images from the homepage.
  19. I removed duplicate items in the CSS
  1. I added a Credits Page!
  2. I fixed the incorrect GitHub URLs
  3. I updated the contact URL.
  4. I updated the text referring to the PLAYER ZER0 STUDIO Discord Server to the correct name.
  5. I updated version of JQuery the website uses.
  6. I attempted to midigate the bug that occurs when the navbar dropdown swiftly opens then disappears when you move your mouse down too fast.
  7. I renamed the "Join_The_Team" page to "The_Fantasy_Team".
  8. I shrunk the size of the text on the Help page.
  9. I fixed the incorrect team name in the Announcements!
  10. I removed an unnecessary file from the website.
  11. I removed the Join the Team forum
  1. I changed the background of the Announcements Banner to the red that Disney used on the modern Toontown Online website.
  2. I implemented an auto-scrolling announcement slider that will switch between announcements every 10 seconds. This can also be swiped/dragged to either the left or the right side to view the next announcement.
  3. I added a new announcement for versions which will change with each update.
  4. I made some changes to how the website reads the Announcements.
  5. I fixed a few remaining issues with the footer across the website.
  6. I changed some urls so they point directly to the Toontown Fantasy website.
  7. I upgraded JQuery to the latest version.
  8. I added a new announcement reminding people that 'we don't spam in other servers' and telling them that 'if someone does do that, to report them to the moderators of said server.'
  9. I removed the Announcement that the PLAYER ZER0 STUDIO Discord Server was closed.
  10. I removed the link from the "Read the Prequel Book Now!" button on the Play Page!
  1. I changed the text on the banner back to the previous version
  1. I changed the text on the banner
  2. I added the Toontown Fantasy logo above the Play Button on the Play Page
  3. I added a secondary button to the Play Page
  4. I grew the size of the buttons on the play page to 1024x512px
  5. I made a change behind the scenes to reduce the amount of files needed to run this website.
  1. Fixed grammatical mistake in the footer.
  2. Whenever you hover over "Send" button or any of the Navigation Items, it will now show the pointer clicker, indicating that you can press the button.
  3. Added the Arbitrium Studios link to the rest of the website's pages.
  4. I changed the color of the "NOT" in the footer to emphasize that anything of mine is NOT associated with Disney in any way.
  5. I removed duplicate top borders in the "Socials & Website" menus
  6. I removed the secondary, white underline from the footer's links.
  1. I added the link to the Arbitrium Studios Discord Server.
  2. I updated text on the homescreen.
  3. Made it so you need to fill out "the knowledge you seek" in order to move forward.
  4. Fixed the incorrect text color on the Contact page.
  5. Fixed the form submission giving you an error for activation.
  1. Updated the text on the Announcements Banners!
  1. Fixed the incorrect URL for the Toontown Fantasy logo inside the homepage's banner logo.
  2. I fixed a grammatical error when referring to the homepage.
  1. I updated the Wattpad link to the current version of the URL.
  2. I updated the GitHub link to the current version of the URL.
  3. I updated the Arbitrium Studios YouTube Channel Link to the current version of the URL.
  4. I grew the size of the Download Button on the Play Page to be easy to tap/click when you want to download it.
  5. I updated the Toontown Fantasy Logo
  6. I split the Navigation Bar logo and the Welcoming Logo into two separate images
  7. I updated the Partner Program image.
  1. I added padding to the left of the text on the Relase Notes page so the text is not right against the edge of the page.
  2. I changed the speed which the navigation sub-menus open to prevent the menu from closing prematurely when you're just casually trying to navigate the website.
  1. I added the patch notes for the rest of the sub-updates.
  2. I fixed the misaligned text on the Release Notes page, the Code Of Conduct page, and the Gameplay Page.
  3. I shrunk the distance between the list items on the "/help" page and then grew the size of the text to keep the footage at the bottom of the page.
  1. I updated the about sections regarding what Toontown Fantasy is about on both the homepage and the "/help/faq/about_toontown" page
  1. I fixed the URL for the Wattpad page!
  1. I fixed the color for the Alert Banner.
  1. I changed the color for the Alert Banner at the top of the page.
  1. I removed the "fa-gear" icon from the Play page.
  1. I added an 's to the end of the text of "PLAYER ZER0 STUDIO'S Toontown Fantasy" for grammatical purposes.
  1. I added a note to the top of the website letting people know that the progress for the game has been paused.
  2. Added an Offline Page similar to what Toontown Rewritten has but customized for Toontown Fantasy!

    NOTE: I may have followed documentation, but that doesn't mean it's guarenteed to work.

  3. Using pre-existing and new code, I should have made the Minnie Font downloadable automatically. If it doesn't download, it'll revert back to Roboto using Google's own servers, and if it somehow fails there, it'll revert to a plain sans-serif. For the best experience, if the Minnie Font doesn't load, I recommend installing the Minnie font here!
  4. I renamed the text "Open-Panda" and "Open-Astron" to "Fantasy-Panda" and "Fantasy-Astron" respectively since the project uses a custom version of all of those (but they are still available for you to use for your own server if you want!)
  5. I moved the location of the Website Release Notes to the bottom of the page so that the Toontown Fantasy, Fantasy-Panda, and Fantasy-Astron.
  6. I made some grammatical adjustments to the website's text.
  7. The Navigation Bar's menus and sub-menus can now be toggled by clicking or tapping on the menu's text.
  8. Replaced the "+" with carets to signify that the menu has a sub-menu.
  9. Made it so the carets move when you hover over them and stay that way until you move your mouse away from that sub-menu and/or main-menu!
  10. I reformatted the Socials Navigation Menu to better fit what the Toontown Fantasy should need.
  11. I centered the navigation bar to the middle of the navigation section.
  12. I added a border around the navigation bar and between the sub-menu items
  13. I added a bottom border to the Warning on the homepage.
  14. I made some changes to better clarify what is what on the Release Notes page.
  15. Split the CSS files into differnt files per page for better organization.
  16. Resized a staff image which was improperly sized.
  17. I replaced the fa-bars icon with a custom created icon that doesn't rely on anything but CSS to load.
  18. The bars now turn into an X when the menu is open.
  19. I re-adjusted the navigation bar so it uses as little space as possible while still looking good.
  20. Replaced ALL 'MailTo' urls with a link to the official Toontown Fantasy Contact page.
  21. Patched the bugginess of the homepage's content.
  22. Changed some page's url for the Join The Team page with the proper url.
  23. Removed the fa-gear icon from the entire website!
  24. On the homepage, I recolored the important mentions of "Toontown Fantasy" to #6aa6ff or "The Player's Fantasy Blue"!
  25. I moved all of the game showcase images to the right side of the home screen when on desktop and all of the images underneath the section they belong to on mobile.
  26. The text should ALWAYS scale to the size of your screen
  1. I added a notice at the top of the Toontown Fantasy website declaring the game's development progress has been paused indefinitely.
  1. The Navigation Bar has been rebuilt from the ground up
  2. Created Staff Cards that introduce the current staff members!
  3. I added a basic but working contact form for joining the team!
  4. Patched the width overflow bug
  5. Rescaled the logo more accurately to avoid overflows.
  6. I added a watered down Socials+ to the Navigation Bar with only the items you need to use for the Fantasy brand.
  7. Split the Footer Icons into two columns. The top column has three icons which perfectly fit down to the smallest screen size on market and the bottom two which would've been more complicated to keep on the same line.
  8. I updated the footer with more links and social icons
  9. Brought the 'Whoopsies!' image over from the THE PLAYER ZER0 website to here.
  10. Replaced the Chibi Techno Destiny Whoopsies image with a Chibi Twinkle.
  11. I split the Whoopsies text from the image but I kept the text next to the image unless you're on mobile, then it's below the image!
  12. I added a Scroll to Top button and a Settings button to their own section in the footer.
  13. I added a custom scrollbar with some playful colors.
  14. I updated the Toontown Fantasy logo to include beaveled text and the temporary PLAYER ZER0 STUDIO logo
  15. I moved the JavaScript from the main file to their own file to make it easier to read and maintain.
  16. I made a custom ordered list with numerals only visible on certain web pages to preserve the look of the Toontown Fantasy website!
  17. I got rid of the unnecessary text on the homepage
  18. I patched mobile support (FINALLY!)
  19. I added font-awesome files to the base of the website!
  20. I added simple measures to prevent snoopers from snooping around the backend of the website!
  21. I added Help pages to the website for 'About Toontown', 'Content Packs', 'Gameplay', 'Device Requirements', and 'Troubleshooting'! The 'Device Requirements' and 'Troubleshooting' pages are still under construction as I don't have an exact list of what I'm looking for yet nor a list of minimum requirements for each devices.
  22. I forced the footer to stay at the bottom.
  23. I made a temporary play page
  24. Upon hover, I made all links' underline disappear.
  25. I replaced the features carousel with a left-right alternating Features Section.
  26. I added a separate, 'Under Construction' page to the website.
  27. I added the Blog section with an under construction image placed inside the section.
  28. I removed "width: 100%;" from most of the items to prevent the assets from stretching beyond the screen.
  29. I flipped the 'Toontown Fantasy ||' text in the title of each page so the page title comes before the website title.
  30. I removed the Contribute Section in favor of just adding a separate, Contribute Page
  31. I removed the Bootstrap URL from the website!
  32. I removed the News button from the navbar
  1. Added the footer to the rest of the remaining pages.
  2. I made it possible to go home by clicking on the Toontown Fantasy Logo.
  3. I got rid of the double borders in the sections for a more cleaner look!
  4. I grew the thickness of the border from 3px to 5px for a more consistent look!
  5. I finished Mobile support for the website
  6. I fixed the stylesheet so the release notes look good.
  7. I solidified the navbar's background color.
  8. I updated the play button to match that of Disney's Toontown Online play button! Included with it is a new animation!
  9. I added spacing between the items so it looks better.
  10. Recolored the Background of the sections to a Sky Blue which should go with the new assets to be made for the 1.0.0 - release!
  11. All text and images will now scale with your device for easy readability!
  12. I made all of the control buttons the same size!
  13. I grew the size of the Navigation Buttons!
  14. I reimplemented the featured paragraphs in the featured section for a more complete look!
  15. I added a new item to the features section! This one shows some progress on wild life and explains my goals with the game.
  16. I pushed the updated navigation bar across all pages
  17. I finished the Universal Error Page.
  18. I resized the Featured Images so they look better on the homepage!
  19. I added a favicon shortcut to the embed.
  20. I updated an incomplete url across all pages.
  21. I shrunk the width of the play button.
  22. Changed the white from plain white to #f2f2f2
  23. Removed the underline for the text above the Features Slideshow with the exception of a hover which fades in a green line!
  24. I removed the built-in support for Bootstrap.
  25. I removed the url on the Play Button to make room for a custom play page!
  26. I removed Orbital-Camera.gif in favor of a less buggy and laggy image version of the same type.
  27. Removed the carousel for mobile because of the width bug until I can create a better solution.
  28. Removed unused code from the website!
  29. I removed the Fa-Bars Buttons from the rest of the website
  1. I brought the footer from THE PLAYER ZER0 over to Toontown Fantasy
  2. I changed the copyright text to the disclaimer traditionally seen around the footer of most of the Toontown Projects.
  3. The underline of the footer links are now always green on the footer.
  4. I patched a memory leak which caused the website to lag when scrolling past the features box.
  5. I added a play button which shows off the gif behind the image showcasing the orbital camera on the homepage
  6. I moved the text "As you can see, this website is still in development. So, some things might be unfinished! If that's the case, click on this link to report the bug!" into the same section as the Under Construction Image.
  7. I fixed the Lines in the sub-navbar menu from moving down with the screen
  8. I added borders to the top and bottom of the sections before I separated them a bit further.
  9. Begun adding patches for Mobile Support.
  10. I updated the page description to match the purpose for the website
  11. I removed an unused img tag from the carousel
  12. I removed all unused code from the previous footer.
  1. Created toon_hq/Release-Notes.html
  2. Added hide functionality to certain pieces of code on the website
  3. I added the link to Release-Notes in ALL locations
  4. I renamed Info to Toon HQ
  1. Separated the website into sections
  2. Added a carousel to the homepage to showcase new features